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Case Study
February 28, 2024

How Heron Data Launched CSV Import in 1 Day with OneSchema

Once OneSchema was embedded, Heron’s internal team was able to save hours of time from support requests – going from dozens of cases a week, to effectively 0.

Sol Chen
Sol is the Chief of Staff at OneSchema.
“The ‘wow’ moment for customers with our product is when they can see live insights from their own data. We wanted to be able to show customers instantaneously the value they could get from our product, which requires a snappy data upload.”
Johannes Jaeckle
CEO of Heron Data
“Taking months of time to build out a robust CSV importer was not an option given competing business priorities. This was a top cause of frustration for both our customers and our team - we also knew that only some customers would file support tickets. Others might just give up and fail to get value from our platform."
Dominic Kwok
CTO of Heron Data
“We were able to easily implement OneSchema in just one day, and what used to be a point of weakness in our UI is now one of our strengths. The best part about working with OneSchema’s team is that they’re extremely responsive, particularly around technical queries. We were able to share a large piece of feedback involving a critical feature request, and they quickly turned around a solution. Their documentation is also well-organized and easy to use.”‍
Dominic Kwok
CTO of Heron Data
“Our customers expect to be able to send data in a variety of ways and formats, and we’re continually thinking about how to make it easier for them. Now that we don’t have to worry about building and maintaining an in-house CSV Importer, we can focus on other areas to add value for our customers.” ‍
Johannes Jaeckle
CEO of Heron Data
Ready to make data imports effortless and efficient?
Companies like Ramp, Toast, Scale AI, and Vanta trust OneSchema to provide a delightfully guided spreadsheet import experience for their customers.

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Financial institutions use Heron Data to better understand the financial health of companies to make better underwriting decisions. Heron ingests financial data about businesses from their customers as the first step in their onboarding. Without a simple UI for CSV data import, many of their customers would run into import issues, requiring dozens of hours of their support team’s time to resolve and creating a bad first impression with customers. 


After implementing OneSchema in just one day, Heron saw the number of customers requiring support with their CSV imports failing decrease from 15% to effectively 0. 


Heron's platform turns bank transactions into powerful insights about a company's financial health.

Financial institutions use Heron Data to better understand the financial health of companies to make better underwriting decisions. 

Their platform analyzes bank transaction data to help business banks and lenders make sense of their customers’ data – starting with making it easier for them to give loans to small-to-medium businesses (SMBs). This helps to solve the credit crunch in Small Business Lending, a $65B industry in the US alone.

Since launching in fall 2020, Heron now processes well over $2B in transaction value daily for customers like ClearCo, Pipe, and Mercury. In order to help business banks and lenders understand their customers’ data, the first step is ingesting various types of data about the business, which their customers share with Heron during the onboarding process. 


While Heron’s customers are able to load transaction data into Heron via API, they found many customers wanted the option to upload CSV files – especially when they’re just getting started with the platform. Not having a CSV importer presented a barrier to adoption for customers who were unable or unwilling to build API connections with Heron. 

Lack of robust CSV import was also a challenge during sales conversations.


With the understanding that many customers needed CSV import support, Heron began by launching their first CSV importer in-house. The importer functionality was fairly limited – uploads either resulted in a binary error or success and did not provide the customers any guidance on how to solve issues.

The lack of clear import error messages and UI for resolving them proved challenging for Heron’s customers. Due to the numerous implicit validation requirements and lack of guidance on how to fix their errors, around 15% of users would experience issues with their CSV uploads. They’d encounter CSV upload issues dozens of times a week, and each instance would require manual debugging from a member of Heron’s team. In the best cases, it would take a non-technical person out of flow for 30-45 min – and in the worst cases, the issue had to be escalated to a technical individual for another 30-45 minutes to resolve it. 

Heron knew they needed a better solution.


Where OneSchema fits in

OneSchema helps empower your customers to upload, validate, and clean your spreadsheets.

OneSchema’s embeddable CSV Importer gave Heron a straightforward, low-effort solution to both provide their users with a seamless onboarding experience and reduce the manual support needed from their team. 

“The lightbulb moment for us was seeing that customers could click one button to correct their mistakes, and OneSchema’s importer would reformat everything exactly in the way that was needed,” said Kwok. “That solidified our decision to not move forward with iterating on our in-house solution because we saw that OneSchema supports a number of features we could never take the time to build. We also love the snappy and intuitive spreadsheet UI and the ability for our customers to export data with the errors annotated.”

OneSchema’s importer provided core features to guide their customers through both understanding and correcting necessary fields in their CSV files to provide a smooth onboarding experience.



Once OneSchema was embedded, Heron’s internal team was able to save hours of time from support requests – going from dozens of cases a week, to effectively 0.

Not only was OneSchema able to provide a better user experience and help reduce load from their team, but an additional value add of the platform has been providing users with a lower-touch way to test their product. 


“Having a CSV Importer available really helps make us an easier product to integrate with and try,” said Jaeckle. “During one live demo, a prospect requested to try the platform with a CSV file of transactions that he had. They were impressed with our product and we ended up closing the deal with them.”

This is also especially important for the trial period where their prospective customers want a way to see if the platform is a fit for them before taking their engineering team’s time to build out an API integration.



Financial institutions use Heron Data to better understand the financial health of companies to make better underwriting decisions. Heron ingests financial data about businesses from their customers as the first step in their onboarding. Without a simple UI for CSV data import, many of their customers would run into import issues, requiring dozens of hours of their support team’s time to resolve and creating a bad first impression with customers. 


After implementing OneSchema in just one day, Heron saw the number of customers requiring support with their CSV imports failing decrease from 15% to effectively 0. 


Heron's platform turns bank transactions into powerful insights about a company's financial health.

Financial institutions use Heron Data to better understand the financial health of companies to make better underwriting decisions. 

Their platform analyzes bank transaction data to help business banks and lenders make sense of their customers’ data – starting with making it easier for them to give loans to small-to-medium businesses (SMBs). This helps to solve the credit crunch in Small Business Lending, a $65B industry in the US alone.

Since launching in fall 2020, Heron now processes well over $2B in transaction value daily for customers like ClearCo, Pipe, and Mercury. In order to help business banks and lenders understand their customers’ data, the first step is ingesting various types of data about the business, which their customers share with Heron during the onboarding process. 


While Heron’s customers are able to load transaction data into Heron via API, they found many customers wanted the option to upload CSV files – especially when they’re just getting started with the platform. Not having a CSV importer presented a barrier to adoption for customers who were unable or unwilling to build API connections with Heron. 

Lack of robust CSV import was also a challenge during sales conversations.


With the understanding that many customers needed CSV import support, Heron began by launching their first CSV importer in-house. The importer functionality was fairly limited – uploads either resulted in a binary error or success and did not provide the customers any guidance on how to solve issues.

The lack of clear import error messages and UI for resolving them proved challenging for Heron’s customers. Due to the numerous implicit validation requirements and lack of guidance on how to fix their errors, around 15% of users would experience issues with their CSV uploads. They’d encounter CSV upload issues dozens of times a week, and each instance would require manual debugging from a member of Heron’s team. In the best cases, it would take a non-technical person out of flow for 30-45 min – and in the worst cases, the issue had to be escalated to a technical individual for another 30-45 minutes to resolve it. 

Heron knew they needed a better solution.


Where OneSchema fits in

OneSchema helps empower your customers to upload, validate, and clean your spreadsheets.

OneSchema’s embeddable CSV Importer gave Heron a straightforward, low-effort solution to both provide their users with a seamless onboarding experience and reduce the manual support needed from their team. 

“The lightbulb moment for us was seeing that customers could click one button to correct their mistakes, and OneSchema’s importer would reformat everything exactly in the way that was needed,” said Kwok. “That solidified our decision to not move forward with iterating on our in-house solution because we saw that OneSchema supports a number of features we could never take the time to build. We also love the snappy and intuitive spreadsheet UI and the ability for our customers to export data with the errors annotated.”

OneSchema’s importer provided core features to guide their customers through both understanding and correcting necessary fields in their CSV files to provide a smooth onboarding experience.



Once OneSchema was embedded, Heron’s internal team was able to save hours of time from support requests – going from dozens of cases a week, to effectively 0.

Not only was OneSchema able to provide a better user experience and help reduce load from their team, but an additional value add of the platform has been providing users with a lower-touch way to test their product. 


“Having a CSV Importer available really helps make us an easier product to integrate with and try,” said Jaeckle. “During one live demo, a prospect requested to try the platform with a CSV file of transactions that he had. They were impressed with our product and we ended up closing the deal with them.”

This is also especially important for the trial period where their prospective customers want a way to see if the platform is a fit for them before taking their engineering team’s time to build out an API integration.


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