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Import CSV data
10x faster

Stop manually fixing your customer’s data and delight them with frictionless onboarding instead.

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Launching CSV import has never been easier

Increase conversion rates

Give your customers a smooth onboarding process and get them to the value of your product faster.

Import conversion rate

Save engineering time

Focus your product team on core features, not CSV import bugs.

months saved

Reduce support tickets

Reduce customer frustration and eliminate the need for your team to manually deal with CSV import issues.

Import support tickets

The OneSchema Difference

Easy for you to set up, easy for your customers to use.
Performant at scale

Bigger is better. Validate and transform files of up to 4GB in under 1 second. Performant for files up to 20M rows.

The most customizable importer

50+ options to customize. Customize importer behavior & match brand fonts, colors, illustrations, and more.

Launch faster with the largest library of data validators

Launch CSV import in minutes – not months – with our library of data validators.

Fix errors in 1-click

Don’t force customers to fix data 1 cell at a time. We’ve designed the best tools to clean data in bulk, like autofix, find-and-replace & more.

data imports -- the easy way

Explore our features

The easiest way to onboard customer data into your product

Auto-fix Errors

OneSchema makes data cleanup easy (and dare we say fun!) for your users with flexible data cleaning features

• Auto-fix all errors
• Suggestions
• Find & replace
• Filtering & navigating errors
• Delete in bulk

Export to Excel with highlighting 

Users can download annotated Excel files with their errors highlighted, allowing them to collaborate with other users on error corrections

Automate with OneSchema API

Send data to OneSchema via API to automatically validate and transform data. Only surface issues to your user when there are errors.

Use OneSchema as a headless validation library or to create your own public API.

Custom Data Processing with WebAssembly & Webhooks

Very messy data? No problem. Split columns, merge rows and more with our custom WebAssembly feature.

Use Webhooks to check data against your backend, write your own autofixers & more.

Intelligent mapping

Set your mappings once and bypass mapping on future uploads. In fact, we use historical mappings across your entire use base to intelligently suggest the best mappings to your user. 

Dynamic templates & custom columns

Create custom templates for each of your users.

Generate templates via code and create an import experience tailored to your customer’s unique needs.

Customize Everything

Tweak the behavior of Importer to match your exact workflow. Tune your mapping strategies, allow partial import submissions, customize import instructions and more. 

Guided Import Experience

Add helpful context for your user throughout their import experience. 

Show your user upfront what columns will be required & offer helpful suggestions for resolving errors. Allow your user to download an Excel template for their upload.

Enterprise ready
Branding suite

With more than 20+ branding options, make OneSchema look and feel exactly like your product. Read more

Audit logging & API

View records of all customer imports from OneSchema’s import activity logs. Build automations and analytics on upload data with our audit logging API. 


Supported languages include: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Swedish, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Arabic

Self hosting

Host OneSchema in your own cloud.

Multi-region hosting

Host OneSchema on servers in the US, EU, CA, AU and more. 

The data import platform for developers

OneSchema’s API and SDKs let you build custom data validations and customize the customer experience with just a few lines of code

Feature release timeline

We ship insanely fast. Expect new features monthly.
H2 2021
• OneSchema Workspaces v0 release
• Template experience launch
• No-code validation library
• Date autofixers
• Importer webhook launch
• SSO login
• Find-and-replace
• Export to Excel with highlighting
• Select header rows
• Manage organizations
• Major UI redesign
• SOC2 Type II Compliance
• Workspaces v1 release
• Enum validator
• Dynamic templates
• Manage templates via code
H1 2022
• Embedded importer launch
• Developer dashboard
• Row validation hooks
• Rust architecture work begins
• Column validation hooks
• Validation hooks batch sizes
• Events/errors webhooks
• Worksheet selection for Excel files
• Access management
• Custom columns
• Mapping UI update
• Column descriptions
• Improved error filtering
• Branding v1
• Javascript SDK + docs
• React SDK
• Updated dev docs
• GDPR Compliance
• HIPAA Compliance
• Tabbed file support
H2 2022
• Rust General Availability
• Default fill columns
• Multi-region hosting
• Branding v2 (Advanced)
• Audit logging dashboard & API
Angular SDK
• Support for 10M+ row files
• Multi-picklist error resolution
• Skip header row selection pane
• Auto-accept custom suggestions
• Template sandbox
• Picklist mapping
• Intelligent column mapping
• Historical column mapping
• Localization (21 languages)
• Even better error-fixing
• Upload pane customizations (v1)
• SOC 3 Report published
Errors vs. warnings
• Import via API
• Accept partial imports
• New template configs
• S3 export integration
• Skip panes
• Required vs. optional columns
• WebAssembly custom data processing
• Column splits/merge
• Row splits/merge
• Add/delete columns via API
• Nested data support  
• Validation API-as-a-service
• Downloadable Excel templates
• Customizations Dashboard
• Accept clean rows only
• New template configurations
• Export to S3
• Additional languages for i18n 
• SDK upgraded to 0.3
• Fullscreen mode
• Auto include unmapped columns
• Resume sessions

Data security is our priority.

Security and compliance is a cornerstone of our data management philosophy. OneSchema guards customer data, including personally identifiable information (PII) through a rigorous combination of features, capabilities and processes.

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